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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  January 24, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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o'reilley was there. that joke is getting old, isn't it. now you know the news for this thursday, january 24, 2013. please don't tell him i said that. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> ma'am. >> yes? >> can you put somebody around you on the phone? >> bill: "the factor" succeeds in getting the 911 call of that horrendous mob attack in norfolk, virginia. >> i was stopped at a light. somebody threw ago is the my car. >> bill: wait until you hear what happened to the teen-agers who savagely beat two newspaper reporters for absolutely no reason at all. >> there was a lot of guy, people, black kids, picking on a guy. >> bill: the obama administration announcing equality for women. they will now be allowed in
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combat operations. but is that smart? we will hear both sides. >> they've been trying to tear us apart. put let's on you, on us. [ laughter ] >> bill: also tonight, an unbelievably offensive video celebration of abortion. what exactly is this pinhead happy about? dead fetuses? we show you what's going on. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. >> bill: hi. i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. a travesty of justice, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. "the factor" has been investigating a terrible crime in norfolk, virginia. on april 14, 2012, two reporters
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working at the virginiaan pilot newspaper were driving in a tough part of town after leaving a movie. while stopped at a light, somebody threw a rock at their car, according to the police report. the man in the car, david for ster, got out to con front the rock thrower. who was then attacked by a group of african-american teen-agers. police say a crowd of approximately 30 surrounded the car and about five thugs were involved in the assault on mr. forster. the woman in the car was also attacked but managed to call 911 as did some other folks. >> okay. what's going on at church and brambleton? they're beating him up? >> yes! ma'am, is somebody with you? >> are you okay? ma'am? >> yes. >> can you put somebody around you on the phone?
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>> i was stopped at a light. somebody threw something at my car. i stepped out and said something and then about ten guys came over and jumped me. >> kids beating on this one man. it might have been ten or 15 kids. i don't know. >> was he in the vehicle? >> a white male. it's a white male. y'all hurry up. i don't know what happened to that guy, but there was a lot of guys, people, black kids, kicking on that guy. >> bill: now, authorities kept that 911 call locked up and finally gave it to the factor factor yesterday after we filed a freedom of information act request. a second one we filed. the first one was denied. a few weeks after the attack, police arrested and charged four teens, ages 13 to 16. eventually charges were dropped against three of the four. only a 17-year-old was convicted. his sentence? probation. he was also ordered to pay $352 in restitution to cover the medical bills of the two reporters. while investigating this story,
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it became apparent the city of norfolk did not want to aggressively pursue the case. and even more troubling, the editor of the virginiaan pilot where the two victims work played it down. >> the story has been blown out of proportion and that's not to diminish the fact that i had two reporters who got beaten. but what it amounts to is a street altercation, not a mob attack. no evidence that it was a racial attack. >> bill: bull. talking points believes this was not a simple street altercation and there is no question it was a mob attack. whether it was based on race is debatable. but for a group of assailants to beat up and terrorize two innocent americans with dozens of witnesses watching and virtually nothing happens to them, well, this is a true travesty of justice. the city of norfolk depends on tourism. so it's obvious they don't want
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this story in the public arena. my job is to tell you the truth and expose wrongdoing. this whole case is shameful. by the way, the norfolk media attacked "the factor" for its coverage of the crime. that is shameful as well. that's a memo. top story, let's bring in attorney megyn kelly. a number of legal things to talk about. first of all, how are the victims in this case doing? >> we understand the male victim is doing fine and we don't know the update on the woman. but we have every reason to believe she's recovered. >> bill: i think they're both back at the newspaper working this. >> right. >> bill: our producer actually talked to them. one was off the record. the other says he's all right. neither of them we should point out in the interest of fairness, want the story covered. they want it to go away. >> although we should say that they filed a complaint against the police department for the way in which they handled this investigation when it first got started and that is a case we asked with the police department that is a case that is still being handled and pending. >> bill: right. the two victims officially said
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the police department in norfolk wasn't investigating. >> that they were not investigating. >> bill: here is the problem. >> that led to the ultimate result in the case, bill. >> bill: of course. they didn't want us off this case. here is the problem, the newspaper editor, you heard him, he didn't want the story. >> how does he say it's not a mob? >> bill: 'cause he didn't can't to cover the story. >> i listened to them and i was on with you when you first filed the request for these 911 tapes to which, forget bill o'reilly, the public is entitled to those tapes. what they said to the factor factor first was, oh, you can't have them 'cause you're out of state. well, then we pointed out to them that's not an exception to your obligation to disclose this information and then they said, it's because we have an ongoing investigation. well, we had to live with that until the investigation was officially closed, which it is now. now we are we hear the tapes and not only do you hear the terrified victims, but hear people describing it as mob. why is the virginia pilot, the boss of these two journalists telling you --
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>> bill: you want me to answer that? because the editor isn't interested in the news. he's interested in protecting the imof the city because that's why weather the money is made in tourism. that's what it's all about. last question on this for tonight. this punishment is ridiculous, would you agree? >> there is no punishment. >> bill: right. >> first of all, there is supposed to be five of them. so they didn't find one. one gets a slap on the wrist. >> bill: how much does this happen around the country where people are physically assaulted and nothing happens to the assailant? >> i have no way of knowing that. but where there is good police investigation, in a case like, this we have this many eyewitnesses, it should be readily ascertainable who was involved. people were giving descriptions even on the 911 of the outfits being worn by the perpetrators. if you have a quick reaction, i see no reason why they couldn't have found the proper i'd caution, including the two victims who could have participated in i.d.
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>> bill: it's shameful across the board. >> i agree. it's a crime on two -- >> bill: it's a huge stain on norfolk, virginia. no doubt about it. senator diane feinstein of california introduce the assault weapons ban which they did have for ten years. my question, we'll see the votes in the house and senate. but the last time the ban was passed, was there any meaningful challenge to it? >> there wasn't because that was a '94 and the nra at the time is said to have believed they did not have a particularly friendly make-up on the supreme court. >> bill: so the nra didn't challenge it. >> no, 'cause they didn't want gun rights being adjudicated under that court. the court looks very different now, more right leaning than then. and number two, this ban that she has proposed is much more broad than the one that was put in place back in 1994. we're still getting our first look at it. but it looks like, among other things, she wants to ban hand guns that have detachable magazines.
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>> bill: clips. >> and one characteristic of a military weapon. the ban in '94, you had to have two or more characteristics. this passed this new york state and there have been suggestions that the new york state prohibition is going to be found unconstitutional because it comes too close to taking hand guns out of millions of americans. >> bill: you fully expect this to go to the supreme court? >> i think the nra is going to look at this much differently. but i don't think it will pass. >> bill: we have a minute left. on tuesday, a legal segment told everybody about a pennsylvania professor, college professor who murdered his wife with a crowbar and was going to be let out of jail after five years on parole. now, pennsylvania has reversed it, rescinded that. what happened? >> the parole board reversed its decision in the wake of a couple things. the family made a stink and met with the parole board. it went into the national media. and most critically, the trial judge who tried the case wrote an unbelievable letter to the parole board saying don't do this. when i sentenced him, i only
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gave him five to ten because the guidelines required me to do that. i wanted to give him much more. the guidelines wanted me to give him three or four. i gave him five to ten did she issue did he said don't release this guy. he's a dangerous man. >> bill: nobody wants to mess with them. >> i certainly don't. >> bill: that's right. thank you. next up, the obama administration clears women for combat operations, but is that a smart thing to do? we'll hear both sides next [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. ♪ i
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>> bill: in the impact segment, the obama administration announcing that women in the military will now be able to go on combat operations. the "new york times" celebrating with the headline that says, equality at the front line. you may have noticed that equality is a new buzz word for the progressive movement. economic equality, marital equality, and now combat equality.
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joining us from washington, captain pete, served in iraq and afghanistan. and from tucson, arizona, martha mcsally, the first woman to fly combat operations in the air force from witch which she retired as a full colonel. so you support the decision, colonel. correct? >> yes, i do, bill. >> bill: and why? >> well, it's really long overdue. i mean, just in case anybody didn't get the memo, women actually already are serving in combat operations. they're out patrolling, previously in iraq and now in afghanistan. they're engaging with the population as part of our counter insurgency strait jesus christ killing the bad guy, earning awards for valor, getting wound. they're coming home in body bags as well, making the ultimate sacrifice. so women already are out there in combat. >> bill: but here is the deal, colonel, 152 women have been killed, american women have been killed in afghanistan and iraq. that's a lot. they basically right now, their
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jobs are logistical, driving vehicles, setting up, things like that. but they're not involved in the combat operations because of one very strong argument against and that is physical strength. as you know, basic training is different in the military for men and women. different tasks they have to accomplish. so i'm sure the captain is going to point out that in some situations, you need the strength of a man and if there is a woman that you're countering on, she may not be able to do the task. and you say, colonel? >> well, i would argue that you need the strength of somebody who is qualified and capable to do the task. you need the same argument -- >> bill: in physicality between men and women? >> sure, the bell curve of men is stronger than the bell curve of women. but there is plenty of men who can't do those jobs either and there is some women who can. so the basic argument, this is not about equality, bill. this is about having the most effective fighting force. >> bill: absolutely. that's what you need when lives
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are on the line. okay. you dissent and tell me why. >> i agreed, it is about the most effective fighting force. let me start by honestly -- giving praise to colonel mcsally, someone who fought valiantly, who flew some of the first -- in american hero and example of the type of person this military produces. so i have nothing against her at all. i think we probably agree on 95% of stuff. i was on the ground. when i saw that thing coming down, we knew we were in a better place. i have nothing but incredible respect for her and her service. i think her looking down from the air from an a 10 and me looking up, kicking down a door in baghdad, we'll have different perspectives on that question of effectiveness that ultimately at the end of the day in the dirt, sustained combat operations are different than reacting valor valorously. >> bill: i got it, i got it. i want to talk reality rather
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than theory. with both of you. so you're there in baghdad, okay, and you got your guys and you're going in to a house. what's wrong with your back up being a very well trained american soldier who is a woman? why would that be wrong? >> in many scenarios, it wouldn't be wrong. >> bill: give me one that would be wrong. >> what you said, bill, if they're not physically capable. if you got a wounded southern or marine who needs to be dragged off or med vacked, can i count on that female soldier to do the same thing? if we were to lock at women in combat, we would have to make sure standards are not eroded. >> bill: so that's an interesting point. colonel, let me ask you a specific question. would you object then to the same basic training standards in the physical area, 'cause they're already the same in the mental areas. would you object to -- >> first of all, in most of the services, you do go through the same basic training. >> bill: no, but the standards are different. you know the standards are
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different of passing the tests. >> okay. there is the physical fitness test. the older -- that the older man also don't have to do the same as a younger man that. is set aside. we're talking about here is the qualifications to do a specific job. if that includes physical strength birks the way, plus aptitude, intellect, courage, leadership, team work, sometimes restraint and all the other things we need on the battlefield, set the standard, allow men and women to compete equally toward that standard. >> bill: so you wouldn't object to -- if you're going to be in this situation, everybody has to do the same test. now. >> that's the standard. >> bill: one of the arguments is it's not fair to the women in the military, and any branch of service, because they don't get promoted fast enough because they're not in combat situation and don't get paid enough because you get combat pay and those seem to be valid points. >> i think there are some valid points. there are a lot of things the military needs to address to get
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at real equality. something like sexual assault. look at something the military still is grappling with, a cultural issue that we've got to do better at to take care of female service members and make sure they're honored and then we need to find ways to promote capable women. >> bill: that goes back into the combat. if you're denying them combat, they're not going to be promoted quick enough and they're not going to make as much money. >> as the colonel said, interacting with the population, a lot of ways that are pretty dynamic, it's a combat role of sustained operations that males together in the dirt are collectively qualified to do. >> bill: all right. very good debate. thank you both. we appreciate your patriotism and coming on "the factor." coming up, billions of taxpayer dollars going to help victims of sandy. as usual, the money is becoming a problem. "the factor" investigation. later, phil mickleson apologizes, saying he might move out of california because of high taxes. adam corolla mad at mickleson!
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment, when is there is a big disaster, billions of dollars flow into helping the victims. new york governor cuomo plans to spend 30 billion taxpayer dollars on recovery and in the private sector, $400 million has already been donated primarily to help folks in new jersey and new york. some of that money came from a huge benefit concert a few weeks ago put on by a bunch of famous rock stars at madison square garden. whenever you have this kind of exposition, a loft fingers in the financial pie. joining us now from washington, ben, the executive director of the disaster accountability project. so let's start with the rock concert. the money raised there going to the robin hood foundation. i myself give that foundation a nice donation.
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are they doing the right thing? >> they've made 200 grants so far. sent 20, 30% of what they raised. that's not bad for an organization that's sort of operating like a community foundation where they're really funding a wide range of organizations across the area. >> bill: when the folks, including me here, only 20 to 30% has been donated and remembered the storm, all right, hit halloween. it was right before halloween. so we said, wait a minute. we're approaching february. only 20 to 30%, even if you are a cover agency that's giving out grants and you have to check out who you're giving the money to, it doesn't seem that that's that quick. >> well, if it doesn't seem that quick, that doesn't speak so well for a lot of other actors and so you could look at the group that raised most money, $250 million, the american red cross. only spending 40%. their job is really more mass care, had is the urgent disaster relief services that we all know is smelter, food, immediate
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health services. you think they'd spend their money faster based on their responsibility. >> bill: the red cross has been ponderous and we don't know about the robin food foundation. they and the red cross, have they been transparent, because your organization is a watchdog to seat money gets paid. have they been transparent with you? >> with us? no. >> bill: neither organization has been transparent with you? >> not this time. the red cross responded to our haiti survey, but not sandy. >> bill: that's not good. we want the robin hood foundation and the red cross to cooperate and say this is what we're doing and this is why we're doing it. we ran into the same problem with united way after 9-11. you may remember that investigation we did. now, the other thing is that it's very, very cold here in the northeast now. we got people out in staten island and other places, still don't have heat. it seems with all of this money, that you'd be able to buy these people a big portable heater and just give it to them so they'd have heat. this is what i'm talking about here.
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>> right. and they have strong enough and they have enough technology for weather forecasting that they could have predicted this coming along and organization cost have deployed people. we all reporter fundraising efforts after sandy. >> bill: everybody gave money and rock stars gave their time and the event came together quickly. this is disturbing to me. i'm going to ask to you give me a grade based upon what's happening in the private sector, all right, a being the best performance. f being the worst performance. of all the private charities, where are we here? >> it's so hard because you're grouping groups that have done tremendous work in local to new york or new jersey that have spent three or more times what they've raised and then with organizations that don't respond to surveys and have raised $250 million and you really can't figure out what they're doing from day-to-day. >> bill: we'll end on a positive note.
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give me somebody that's really doing well so when the folks want to donate, they know where to go. >> well, i would say it's not as clear cut as that. it's hard for me to endorse. if you looked at food bank of new york city. city meals on wheels have spent three times the $650,000 they've raised. and usually local organizations that have worked in that region affected for a long time know the community really well. >> bill: the more local the better rather than the big giant ones. that makes sense. >> instead of the knee jerk reaction, it's good to do homework, look to see which organizations have the capacity to respond to them and fund them. >> bill: thank you very much. we appreciate it. plenty more ahead as "the factor" moves along. is facebook making americans unhappy? new study says that could be the case, but there are some who don't believe it. then actors celebrating the 40th anniversary of roe v wade in a very bizarre way.
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wait until you hear this guy. laura ingraham will hear what he says. pretty bloody. we hope you stay tuned for those reports
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>> bill: in the are we crazy segment tonight, more controversy on the net. as you may know, we're very concerned about the impact of the internet on american society and a new study conducted by two german universities found that one in three people, 33%, feel worse about themselves after visiting facebook. envy, loneliness, frustration were cited in the study. joining us from los angeles,
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dr. wendy wash a human behavior expert. and from san diego, dr. bonnie forest. the impact of facebook, and i must tell the audience that i'm coming at this from total ignorance. i don't know facebook. i'm afraid of twitter. i think these people are going to take over the world. but facebook, let's stay at facebook 'cause all over the world i guess there are hundreds of millions of people too long this. is it a force of negativity, dr. forest? >> hey, bill, i want you to think about high school, only high school on steroids. and the worst popularity contest you could possibly enter. that's facebook. it's all about social comparisons. my life feels horrible compared to everybody else's. people don't post reality on there. they post the best impression. this latest study, what they found is people were most envious of even vacation photos. last year, american academy of pediatrics came out with a study that said kids who spend more
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time on takes book also find those kids are more depressed. it's not good. >> bill: isn't that the fault of the user rather than the facility, because if you're jealous that somebody else has a nice vacation and puts pictures up, then it's your problem, isn't that right, dr. forest? >> bill, i think that's a great point for an adult. but for a kid, think about when your identity is forming and you look at other kids and you look at what they have and you get into this competitive spirit. if you spend too much time unregulated by a parent, you start to think that everybody's life is this glamour ous thing that you don't have. >> bill: i can understand that. with an immature mind they can say i'm getting hosed. dr. walsh, how do you see it? >> facebook's terms say you need to be at least 13 to use it. let's just say it's an empowering, amazing place and one study i read showed that when people are on loin, adjusting their own photo, putting the best out there and
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their happy status updates, their mood is elevated. their he have esteem goes up. listen, bill, millions of teens and adolescents are using it responsibly. it's helping them maintain friendships, enhancing the friendships they have. i'm very immersed in it, so is my 14-year-old daughter, facebook and twitter. that's the way we stay connected with extended family far away. i think -- >> bill: now, i don't like this word empower. i just think that's one of these like dopey words that people throw around. but again, i don't go on facebook. i don't know what you people are doing. how does it empower someone to go on there? how does that empower a 13-year-old? >> well, first of all, so many kids are almost shut ins now adays. remember in our day when we wanted to go have a play date, we would walk out and go knock on somebody's door. today you have to arrange it, somebody has to drive you. it's got to be a play date. now you can get a group of kids who can be talking on-line, exchanging homework information, and feeling connected to the
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school culture. not just for adolescents -- >> bill: i see those points. dr. forest, is the good that dr. walsh is pointing out override the negativity of people then getting upset because people may have more than they do or whatever? >> bill, i don't see it. i'm sorry. do you feel any less empowered in your life because you're not on facebook? i doubt it. okay? >> bill: but i'm a very powerful guy. i'm really powerful. not facebook powerful. so you can't ask me that question. but i think that if i were a kid and then i felt that i had some control over my interactions with other people, i think that might make me feel good. >> bill, facebook doesn't give you control. what facebook gives is an automatic comparison 24/7. the problem is is that the things in life that give us the most joy, the sense of self-esteem that parents are trying to give and that sense of empowerment come from inside. it's about giving gratitude.
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i'd say parents slow down, schedule your kids less if you want them to feel more empowered and spend more time with them. those are the things that give us joy, happiness and make us feel empowered. >> bill: i don't want my kids to be empowered -- i don't want my kids to be empowered. ladies. i don't want my kids to be empowered. i want them to do what they're told. i don't want an invasion on this part of the house. thanks very much. bizarre and very offensive celebration of abortion. then adam corolla some thoughts over bind. and phil mickleson's comments. that as "the factor" rolls along this evening. how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purche, everday! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right?
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. a weekend review from the ingram segment. to celebrate roe v ride, celebrate, the center for reproductive rights put this out >> all these years so many people say we'd never make it. they've been trying to tear us apart. take you away. put limits on you. on me. on us. [ laughter ] but every time we've proven
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ourselves stronger. so with that, happy anniversary, baby. looking good for 40. >> bill: oh, man! joinings from washington, radio talk show star and fox news contributor, laura ingraham. no matter how you feel on the issue, celebrating the destruction -- >> 55 million. >> bill: let's have a little drink and sit in a fireplace and this guy, i never saw this guy before. he's on a program called "necessary roughness". >> appropriate title given the subject matter. >> bill: i just can't get inside the heads of these people. i understand the pro choice movement saying look, it's about a woman's right to control her life. >> to terminate a life. >> bill: i disagree with a lot of the things they do, but i understand the rationale. but to celebrate, to be happy. okay. >> bill, let's take this with just factually. since roe, there have been
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55 million human lives terminated. our dna is established at conception. right? scientists don't disagree that human life begins at that conception point. okay? and so moving on, 40 years, we have 55 million americans who are not here. okay? and the idea -- when i first saw that ad, a friend of mine showed it to me today, i thought it was a spoof. i thought it was kind of a really sad, like a twisted spoof. >> bill: no, the real deal. >> because think about it, it's a good thing, especially for men, right, because it's sex without consequences and for a lot of guys, they're the ones who are really urge women to let's take care of this. i'll go with you, i'll pay for it. it's a kind of good deal for a lot of men. they're off the hook. but no such luck for those children ho didn't get a chance to live in america or to be part of this great system. >> bill: to have a conversation about it is loaded with emotion.
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you can't really even have one because there are a lot of women who have had abortions, they don't want people telling them they did something wrong. they don't want that. then they're on the pro-life movement, there are people like you feel that this is just flat out murder. it goes against their religious tenets. very little common ground. very emotional. i thought this was way, way over the line, into the celebratory aspect of the situation -- >> they do celebrate it. >> bill: i know. it's wrong. >> planned parenthood, rakes in $500 million a year off abortion procedures, big business for them. they got big tax dollars. >> bill: nobody should be celebrating this thing. nobody. >> safe, legal and rare. remember the rare? 55 million. that's a population of california and new york combined, i believe. >> bill: in belgium, switzerland, netherlands and luxembourg, you can get euthanized. they will legal euthanasia. two brothers in belgium were born deaf and then, because of a
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condition, they were going blind. all right? and so they're 45 years old and they said, we want to die. 'cause we're not going to be able to see each other anymore and we can't hear now. they're cobblers. they make a living doing that, but you can't do that when you're blind. so totally dependent. it took them two months to find a doctor in belgium to kill them with a lethal injection, but they did. what do you say? >> well, look, there are always going to be instances and horrifically sad instances of human suffering. we don't choose when we're born and i believe in -- i'm a roman catholic. i believe there is inherent dignity in life. in belgium in 2011, there were 1100 people who decided to terminate their lives, most of them because of incurable cancer. but in this case, there was no -- they couldn't document -- >> bill: they would have lived
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maybe 45 more years. >> right. and think about it. the concern obviously about euthanasia is that at some point, who decides who doesn't live? who is inconvenient in whose life -- >> bill: in belgium, luxembourg, the doctor decides. you can be depressed and say, hey, give me at that shot. >> one thing i think, we're talking about the culture of life or culture of death, as i call it and others call it, tomorrow the longest running march in the history of the united states is the march for life. gets almost no media coverage except some on fox and that is a test am. filled with young people about where we are on this life movement. >> bill: washington, d.c. tomorrow. >> the march for >> bill: thanks. in a moment, adam corolla. phil mickleson in trouble over his tax comments. corolla is next
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. rolling with corolla, one of the highlights of the media coverage of the inauguration was this. >> mr. president, mr. president! mr. president! mr. president! how is it going? is the weather good? is that fantastic? mr. vice president? mr. vice president! hey, how you doing? come on! come on! [ laughter ] yes! >> bill: joining us now from los angeles with some -- adam corolla. you know roker?
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do you know him? >> no. >> bill: i feel like i know him. >> but he just seems like a crazy uncle who i've never met. >> bill: he's not crazy. he's always been respectful to me. but he certainly got in the tune or the swing of the inauguration very quickly. >> right. how about a little decorum? he does the weather and the news. all i'm saying is he's not a 1-year-old meeting one of the backstreet boys. and by the way, biden shakes your hand? i think if he made $20 donation to the campaign biden would come it your house and shake your hand. i don't want to burst al's bubble, but i do want to say that politicians, all they do is hey, hey, how you doing? and then they go home and take a purel bath. that's what they do. they travel the country meeting people who work in washing
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machine factories and kentucky and shake their hands. what's the big womb? >> bill: you know, he has a parade and all of that. i thought roker was a little overexuberant, but he got him to come over. that was a moment for them. all right. you obviously live in california, so does phil mickleson, the golfer. and phil is a little teed you have about all the high taxes he's paying and a few days ago said i might move out of california. whoa! everybody got upset and here is mickleson coming back on it. >> i should not have talked any type of politics or financial or taxation stuff publicly. i think it was insensitive to talk publicly to those people who are not able to find a job that are struggling paycheck to paycheck. i love this country and i love the opportunities it's afforded me to be successful and do what i love. and so i've never had a problem with that before. i've never had a problem paying my fair share. >> bill: all right. you think what about mickleson?
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>> wow. well, it's sad that successful people have to apologize to their success. by the way, phil, all your fans and everyone at the country club are rich, so don't worry about offending your core audience, number one. number two, i want to tell everyone on the left, folks that make money like making money. they don't have a cat. it's not like oh, i made $10 million this year, so i'm good. we want to make money, we want to make as much money as we can and by the way, making 10 million bucks or keeping 10 million bucks is exactly the same. so if people want to make money and usually guys who make $45 million a year or more like mickleson want to keep their money, they're going to move because that's the business they're in, whether you're hollywood and you're producing movies, whether you're a corporation and you're making cars or whether you're a professional athlete, if you're into making money, then you're into keeping money, you're going
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to move. >> bill: i don't think mickleson is going to move out of california, as tiger woods did. he moved to florida where there is no state income tax. you do this twitter thing? we had this discussion before. i don't do any of this. i'm frightened of it. do you twitter around and stuff? >> yes. >> bill: okay. the top three, besides you, i'm sure you're number one, but justin bieber, lady gaga, and katy perry, they have the most twitter followers. i guess those are people who get your wisdom on their little intermet machines, is that what twitter is? >> first off, it's the three people with the least to say that have the most followers. it's crazy. katy perry looks like she's thinking about something stupid at all times, number one. number two, as far as -- see, like i get going to a justin bieber concert or katy perry concert or lady gaga concert, but hearing the pearls of wisdom that the biebs is going to lay
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down on me, to me is like making a porn star your pen pal. what's in it for you? >> bill: okay. so it's all about prestige for the person receiving the tweet. >> yes. yes [ laughter ] adam corolla, everybody. >> you feel jewish special. you and 33 million other people are special. >> bill: that's what i thought. all right. thanks very much. as always, next, "the factor" type of the day. all about dennis miller. the tip, 60 seconds away at 1:45, the aflac duck was brought in with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly sever months. so, if the duck isn't able to work, how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car paymets? aflac. what about ga and groceries? aflac.
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cell phone? aflac, but i doubte'll be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the lac duck a get-well card at ♪ [ male announcer ] let's take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration, every bit of determination, and go where we've never gone before. ♪ introducing the radically new avalon. toyota. let's go places. >> tip. day about dennis miller in a moment. and jacksonville, florida, thanks for making me laugh out loud ending your talking points with the hillary clinton teflon line. and from pennsylvania, you're
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being a hypocrite criticizing hillary. not as harsh on condoleezza rice, colin powell or president bush during the weapons of mass destruction iraq war controversy. from connecticut, bill, it's so obvious, i should say, obvious fox news is trying to help liberals. feature smart attractive liberals like kirsten powers and juan williams. wait a second, you're saying that you think that juan williams is attractive. high definition tv? fort worth, texas, a conservative test nation? and dallas, houston, el paso are all liberal areas. and not entirely, but austin is close. from california in marin county if you disagree with a liberal they go ballistic. ignore it, go to tib erin a nice dinner overlooking the
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bay. and from newport beach, you and miller owe the justice an apology, it was a replica of the one that thomas more wore when he defy the king's unjust laws against religion. and from colombia, mr. o, you and miller should not rule out that we're the happiest people in the world here. most of us appreciate simple things like family and friends. been to colombia, a beautiful place especially cartagena. and we want to see the fresh show, are you coming to colorado? >> and we're going to the nokia, d.c., april 26th. long island june 1st and details on if you can't see us in person, bold and fresher dvd's.
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monica, short, north carolina, my grandson alex, a fifth grader did a report on killing lincoln. i read it monica, excellent work for the tyke. and killing lincoln top five. and from italy, mr. o, please come here and rescue us from american liberals like george clooney. hopefully the italian government will make him pay his fair share on his majestic villa. i want to go trick-or-treating at his place and i may come over to lake cuomo around halloween. a great place, i love that whole area up there. and finally factor tip of the day. last night i received a lot of letters, yelling at me and miller, i can tell you're yelling when i'm reading making fun of the country of colombia and mocking the hat that justice scalia wore to the inauguration. and i said if he had round
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ears he would be a mouseketeer didn't like at it, miller is a satire, wise guy, making points by exaggerating and berating and along with jon stewart, the best in the business doing that. why are you reacting to what miller says? it's a giant jest, people, he knows everybody in colombia doesn't do cocaine and he understands that scalia's hat is a historical statement. he mocked it, go with it, have some fun. factor tip of the day. that's it for us tonight. check out fox news factor website different from and we'd like you to spout off anywhere in the world. and the word of the day, do not be m


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